Questions to Ask Before Selecting a GMP Certified Manufacturer

Let’s say, for instance, you work for a pharmaceutical company and have just gotten a new product. But there is a problem. You need to find a reliable and certified manufacturer to make the product for you. fortunately, your boss would like the production process to be handled by a GMP certified manufacturer. Sounds amazing but you’re are left thinking what exactly is a GMP certified manufacturer and why would your boss need them?

GMP is an acronym for Good Manufacturing Practices. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment to be a GMP certified manufacturer. To attain this, the manufacturer has shown great commitment and compliance with both regulatory and international GMP standards.

A GMP certified manufacturer is different from regular manufacturers because they go the extra mile to make your products. They are responsible for everything related to making your products. Basically, GMPs are designed to raise and regulate the quality standards of pharmaceutical products in the market. So how do you know the right manufacturer to choose? Here are 5 pertinent questions you should ask your prospective GMP certified manufacturer before using their services.

Do They Outsource any of the Services Advertised?

This is a vital question to ask. You want to make sure that the processes of manufacturing are not outsourced. Instead, it takes place within their own facility. Keep in mind that if they outsource these services, then the company will not have full supervisory control of the manufacturing process. in this case, there is a higher chance that the quality standard of the product may be compromised.

Do They Answer Calls?

Good communication is essential to the success of every business. when you put a call through to your contract manufacturer, you want to make sure that someone will be available to answer your calls. A GMP certified manufacturer who is truly committed to producing quality products will have a team of dedicated customer service on hand to respond promptly to queries, complaints, and inquiries. choose a company that makes customer satisfaction a priority.

Can You Inspect the Facility?

Before selecting a GMP certified manufacturer, make sure you inspect the facility thoroughly. This way, you can determine how hygienic the facility is maintained. Do not leave any section without uninspected from the raw materials to the testing of the final product and shipment. Some of the things to take note of while taking a complete tour of their facilities include

  • Specifications of raw material and finished product
  • Standard operating procedures
  • Change control
  • Complaint handling
  • Master and batch records
  • Quality control

Are They in the Media?

Make sure your prospective GMP certified manufacturer has a great reputation and has been in the business for many years. The company should be synonymous with high-quality products. Read reviews about the manufacturer online to know what others have to say about their services. ask members in online forums what they think about their services. Most of the reviews and people you meet in these online forums usually provide unbiased feedback about their experience working with such company.

About Violet

Violet Rae Murphy: Violet, a biotech analyst, covers advances in health technology, biotech innovations, and the future of personalized medicine.
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