There is much information about a dry drunk online. Despite that, some people remain confused. What is a dry drunk? It pertains to a person who maintains the same alcoholic behavior patterns, although they’ve become alcohol abstinent. It is commonly known as alcoholic’s post-acute withdrawal syndrome or untreated alcoholism.
But why does this phenomenon occur? There are several reasons. The failure to address underlying issues that result in addiction is one. Is this only restricted to alcoholics? Of course, not. The syndrome can happen to other types of addiction.
Where Does It Come From?
The dry drunk syndrome originates from Alcoholics Anonymous. The creators specifically coined the term to describe the patients who are recovering from their addiction. People suffering from addiction should get support, maybe going to alcohol rehab. It also refers to those who didn’t complete the program. However, professionals don’t use the term. They label those with a high risk for relapse.
Some of the Symptoms
Just like an active alcoholic, a dry drunk will exhibit the same symptoms. While it sounds easy to address, it can be challenging to overcome in reality. This is where a drug rehab can come into play. If you’re suffering from impulsive behavior, self-defeating attitudes, negative emotions, anxiety, and low tolerance of problems, a qualified drug rehab will be of great help.
Other warning signs can include low mood, blaming others, resentment toward other people, nostalgia to your time drinking, cross-addiction, and self-centered thoughts, to name a few.
Reasons Why it Happens
Treating alcohol addiction goes beyond achieving sobriety. It’s not about quitting the habit. It’s about putting an end to different aspects of the condition. That’s why detoxing with willpower is not enough to achieve a full recovery.
But why can dry drunk syndrome happen? There are different reasons, and the lack of perfect treatment is the most common cause. Another reason is the recoveree’soverambitious expectations. This is where aftercare can play a serious role. While some handle the process themselves, others depend on a qualified drug rehab. Which is better? Of course, relying on an experienced drug rehab center will be a good shot.
Lack of focus and proper support on recovery can make patients become a dry drunk. Individuals that struggle alone may not have the courage to attain sobriety. They will be more tempted to quit or relapse. That’s why a drug rehab is worth your attention because they have a team of experienced people whom you can trust.
Simple Things to Do to Help a Dry Drunk
Are you living with an untreated alcoholic? Then, you probably know how complicated the situation can be. Just remember that recovery can be a long journey. There are also setbacks. Just like with relapse, an individual with the syndrome needs extra support to restore their normal life.
To help a dry drunk, there are simple things you can do. Encouraging treatment from a drug rehab is a great start. Expressing your concern and guiding them to the right path will also be a smart idea.