Anal itching is skin irritation at the opening of the anal canal. The surrounding skin is known as the anus. The itching is experienced in combination with the desire to scratch. If you have an anal itching that is probably because of inflammation of the anal area. There are rare cases of itchy bottom caused by a reaction to chemicals in the stool. The amount of inflammation increases with the direct trauma of scratching. And if there is a presence of moisture, the intensity of the itching will also increase. The final level of itchy anal, when it is most intense, causes insufferable discomfort, often described as burning. You can use Pranicura to get an itchy anus relief.
So what can cause anal itching? Here are some of the reasons for that nasty problem.
Your bathroom habits
You have to wipe well after you poop because if anything is left behind it can cause itching. Make sure you’ve cleaned gently the area with a wet piece of nice toilet paper. After that wipe dry the place carefully with a towel.
If you are “too” clean
If you wipe too hard, though, you can make it worse. You have to keep some things like medicated powders, hot water or soap away from your bottom. The oily skin that protects that sensitive area can be destroyed by them.
What are your eating habits?
If you are a coffee drinker, it is more likely for you to have an itchy bottom. Some of these foods and drinks are also triggers for anal itching – dairy, chocolate, nuts, spicy foods, tea, cola, citrus fruits, beer, energy drinks.
Your underwear
If you wear underwear that is made of synthetic fabrics, you will have a moisture problem. And if your underwear is tight, that will make things even worse. So the best thing for you is to switch to well-fitting ones, made from natural materials like cotton for example. They just absorb better.
Anal Fissures
Tiny sores can appear inside your anus and cause itching. And pain. These are anal fissures. You can get them if you are constipated, from long-term diarrhea, or Crohn’s disease.
A fungus can cause itchy anal. Also, there are different kinds of bacteria that can do that. For example, the same type of bacteria that causes strep throat can start itchy, red rash around the anus. It is more common to see this in kids than adults.
If you suffer from this skin condition, it is possible for it to spread to your anus. The skin around it may be red. It would probably itch a lot. Other skin conditions like eczema and seborrhea can also cause itchy bottom.
Taking antibiotics
Antibiotics can kill the “good” bacteria that live in your bowels. Its function is to keep your gut in natural balance. And a common side effect of killing it can be diarrhea.
Other health-related problems
There are different types of conditions that will affect your whole body including your bottom. For example:
- Stress/ anxiety
- Leukemia
- Kidney failure
- Anemia
Anal itching can cause you a lot of discomfort. If it is persistent, you have to identify the cause. You can visit a doctor about getting some professional opinion on the subject. The most common solutions for anal itching relief are adjustments in the diet in combination with applying a special kind of ointment at the anus area.