THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol) are types of cannabinoids that are present in cannabis. Once ingested, these chemicals can interact with cannabinoid receptors in the body to limit, or even treat, the pain from certain medical conditions. The human body has a considerable number of cannabinoid receptors that contribute to a variety of physiological effects.
Many of these cannabinoids have the potential to alleviate pain and symptoms from conditions such as nausea, glaucoma, cancer, muscle spasms, eating disorders, multiple sclerosis, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
The main difference between THC and CBD is the fact that CBD has no psychoactive effects, unlike THC that cause the ‘high’ associated with ingesting cannabis.
What are the main differences?
Though both these chemicals are found in cannabis and interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, there are a couple of significant differences.
That high feeling
THC and CBD each interact with different receptors within the human brain. Because of how it reacts, CBD will not give a person that high feeling; however, THC will. As an example, in New Jersey, medical marijuana contains only a minimal amount of THC. No one will get that high feeling when using the medication.
What are the benefits?
Both THC and CBD can be used to treat various medical conditions. THC is predominantly used to treat insomnia, muscle spasticity, glaucoma, and low appetite. CBD can be used to treat seizures, migraines, depression, psychosis, and inflammation.
Using marijuana legally
Numerous states across North America have legally approved the use of marijuana on medical grounds. However, the sale, prescription, and use of the substance vary from state to state.
Some states have even gone as far as legalizing cannabis for recreational use. Despite the laws surrounding cannabis use are constantly changing, it is not yet a federal law, so you should always look into the laws of the state you are in before purchasing marijuana for any purpose.
What are the side effects?
THC and CBD each provide very few side effects, if any at all. According to the latest findings by the World Health Organization CBD is safe for humans to ingest in large quantities. The only possible side effects are as a result of its interaction with any prescription medicines the person may be taking.
A person who ingests THC may temporarily experience side effects that include red eyes, memory loss, a dry mouth, slower response times, an increased heart rate, issues with coordination, and generally feeling high. Due to their still developing brains, teenagers are particularly prone to experiencing negative psychiatric affects from THC.
Research published in the Human Molecular Genetics journal concluded that ingesting large or regular doses of THC increases a person’s risk of developing schizophrenia, if already predisposed to the condition.
Neither THC or CBD has any side effects considered serious and are not fatal when ingested correctly. THC does pose a small risk of some people becoming addicted to the substance, however.
The most popular way of taking THC and CBD is either vaping or smoking. Nevertheless, for some people this method of ingestion is not possible. For those, THC is available as oil, gel, gummies, and a supplement. CBD is available as capsules, oil, edibles, tinctures, and smokable products.
What have we learned?
Both THC and CBD are cannabinoids found within the marijuana plant. Although they can be used to treat similar ailments, a person that uses THC will feel a high, while using CBD will not have this affect. It’s important to know what the local laws are prior to acquiring THC or CBD. Both chemicals are considered federally illegal and have only been approved for recreational and medicinal use in certain states.