HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) has become one of the most popular products in the fitness world. And when it comes to HIIT, F45 fitness training is the most popular HIT workout.
HIIT is a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating intense bursts of activityfor short periods with less intense exercise for longer periods, until the participant is too exhausted to continue.
HIIT helps you to lose weight and stay fit like most other forms of workout, so why is it so popular?
The main reason for HIIT’s surge in popularity is that you can achieve in twenty minutes of a HIIT workout what you can only achieve in an hour of alternative cardiovascular exercise.
HIIT is changing how people exercise and get fit, here’s why it is better than other forms of workouts:
HIIT is the the most efficient work out to get fit which is important for busy people. Whether you want to work out for twenty minutes in your lunch break you want to quickly get in shape for a fast-approaching event, you can achieve significant progress with HIIT in a short amount of time.
According to research, fifteen minutes of interval training done three times each week is more effective than jogging on the treadmill for an hour.
High-Intensity Interval Training is a time-efficient strategy to get the same benefits asmore extendedsessions of traditional cardio training. Through interval training,our body learns to use the energy that comes from our system more efficiently.
Calorie burning
You can burn calories very quickly using HIIT, andresearchers have found that about thirty percent more calories are burnt during a HIIT session than in alternative forms of cardio training.
HIIT consists of rest more than exercise.Twenty seconds of maximum effort are followed by 40 seconds of rest which means you are exercising for only thirty percent of the time. Th
You also continue to burn fat and calories in the twenty-four hours following a HIIT workout. HII
Strength conditoning
Both and other forms of cardio training are associated with weight loss. The advantage of HIIT is that it allows you to preserve and even enhance muscle while still shedding weight.
HIIT helps increase muscle mass. However, the gain in muscle mass isin the muscles being used the most, often the trunk and legs.
Weight training continues to be the most effective form of exercise to increase muscle mass, but HIITcan play a vital role in muscle growth.
Boost metabolism
HIIT helps you consume more oxygen than a non-interval workout routine. The more oxygen you consume, the more your metabolism increases.
In a single interval of HIIT, your rate of metabolism increases from about 90 minutes to 144 minutes. Thishigher metabolism helps burn more calories at a faster pace.
HIIT stimulates the production of human growth hormones up to 450% during the twenty-four hours after you finish your work out.Human growth hormonesare also responsible for slowing down your aging process, extending the benefits of HIIT over a loger period.
Improve overallhealth
HIIT is not just aimed at reducing weight or gaining muscle.It can improve your overall health too. Studies have found that HIIT reduces blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It can also result in longer term reduction in heart rateheart rate in obese individuals.
HIIT reduces blood pressure in the same way as traditional cardiovascular exercise – just more quickly.
If you do high-intensity exercisethree times per week for twenty minutes per day, the result is equal to doing endurance training four days per week for thirty minutes per day.