How Drug and Alcohol Addiction Affects Families

Addiction causes families to go through detrimental circumstances and fall apart. The addict undergoes a wide assortment of physical, emotional, and psychological changes due to the addiction. These changes often cause them to become a completely different person. Reviewing how drug and alcohol addiction affects families could give an addict a better perspective of their addiction.

A Lack of Interest in Responsibilities

Drug and alcohol addiction cause a complete lack of interest in responsibilities. The addict fails to fulfil their responsibilities to their loved ones and often makes excuses for why they were irresponsible. The excuses are often lies created to cover up the fact they were intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substances. As the addiction progresses, the individual loses all interest in their responsibilities and places a strain on their relationships.

The End of Important Relationships

Addiction ends important relationships, as the addict places their addiction ahead of those who have always been most important to them. The addict becomes argumentative if their loved ones bring up their addiction or try to help them. Tensions flare too often, and it feels as if all parties involved are in the middle of a battle they cannot win. Addiction leads to divorce and the loss of the addict’s children. Drug and alcohol addiction are grounds for the other party to get full child custody and require supervised visitation only. It is at this point when some addicts make the choice to get the professional help they need.

Children Feel Rejected and Unloved

Children of addicts often feel rejected and unloved. The addict takes more time to stay intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substances and give their addiction more attention than their children. The lack of love and attention makes the children internalize their addict parent’s actions and assume that the addiction is their fault instead of the addict’s.

The outcome could lead the child to become an addict themselves. It could also make them more estranged from their addicted parent. For some children, the lack of both parents can lead to sociological and psychological damage that lasts throughout the child’s life. Individuals who are suffering from addiction and want help can find out more at ARC Rehab Portsmouth right now.

The Impact of Job Loss

Addiction can drive the individual to use drugs or drink on the job, and the choice could cause injuries at work. Once the individual tests positive for alcohol or drugs on the job, their employer has the legal grounds to fire the individual. Job loss often leads addicts down a shame spiral that could cause them to commit crimes to get more drugs. If the addict is arrested, the court might order them to attend a treatment program.

Addiction causes a lack of interest in responsibilities and the loss of important relationships. The addict’s behavioral patterns cause chaos in their relationships that could lead to divorce or a loss of parental rights. Anyone suffering from an addiction who wants help can contact a rehabilitation center right now for more information.

About Violet

Violet Rae Murphy: Violet, a biotech analyst, covers advances in health technology, biotech innovations, and the future of personalized medicine.
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