Get Fit, and Have Fun with the Best Zumba Fitness Houston Offers

You may be struggling trying to get yourself up and out there to exercise. With the best Zumba fitness Houston offers, you may have just found the most fun way to get in shape!

Did you know that Zuma started out as a complete accident? A fitness teacher in Colombia forgot his workout music for a class he was leading in the 1990s. He grabbed some Latin albums from his car and taught the class some of his favorite club moves, according to’s Markham Heid. This accident has turned into a worldwide revolution of exciting and enjoyable exercise.

You’ll burn about 9 calories per minute in a 40-minute Zumba class. If you ran somewhat slowly or biked 15 miles an hour for the same amount of time, you’d burn the same number of calories. A study has demonstrated that people worked at about 80 percent of their maximum heart rates and 60 percent of VO2 max, which is a measure of how much oxygen you use when you exercise. The intensity of a class is typically that of a cardio kickboxing or step aerobics session.

People love Zumba, and they are excited to return for each class. In one study, participants kept going to Zumba classes even after the 16-week study was completed. Zumba wasn’t something they had to do; it was something they loved doing, and it allowed them to meet new people and have fun.

Our class sizes are small, and you will meet new people who want to work out in a fun way like you. We love providing you with a safe and comfortable environment. Our teachers keep you moving and dancing, and they help you increase your self-confidence and get fit. You’ll drop some pounds, tone your muscles, and maybe even lower your social anxiety by being near friendly and exciting people in your class.

In Zumba, the moves that have you focusing on your hips and stomach help to strengthen your core and trunk. A study demonstrated that they also help improve balance in overweight, older women, and the same study showed that quality of life scores increased almost 10 percent in study participants. Their self-esteem even increased by 16 percent.

If you are nervous about coming to Zumba class because of its intensity, don’t think you can’t do Zumba. We can help you learn to modify the moves so that you are still getting great exercise and having fun without pushing your body too far. Contact us when you’re ready to join the best Zumba fitness Houston provides! We look forward to dancing with you!

About Violet

Violet Rae Murphy: Violet, a biotech analyst, covers advances in health technology, biotech innovations, and the future of personalized medicine.
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