Dermal Fillers – Cosmetic Wonders for Younger Looking Skin

Worries of sagged and aging skin are common issues that all of us encounter at some point in life. However, these worries are no more a cause of discomfort, thanks to the all-around medical progress. Entering the field of cosmetic treatments, there are a series of procedures exclusively dedicated to making you look young. Dermal fillers in Vaughan are one such example. You can take these injections to remove the signs of aging from your skin.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a class of cosmetic injections that are given to remove wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging while tightening up your skin. Injected near the mouth, nose, and eye regions, these fillers produce notable effects that can last from months to years. The variations in durations are encountered in line with your skin type, target area, and condition.

Types of Dermal Filler Injections

Dermal fillers come in a variety of types, depending upon the composition and manufacturing process. There are, however, 2 major categories of dermal fillers.

  1. Off-the-Shelf Dermal Fillers

The first one is ‘off-the-shelf’ fillers that are prepared from the naturally occurring synthetic materials in your body. The different types of off-the-shelf dermal fillers are listed in what follows next:

  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers, prepared from the naturally occurring hyaluronic acid in your body
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) Fillers are prepared from a component present in your bones
  • Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) Fillers, prepared from a collagen-creating substance in your body
  • Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Fillers, prepared from the naturally synthesized collagen of your body
  1. Fat-Grafted Thermal Fillers

The second class of dermal fillers is prepared from body fat through ‘autologous fat grafting’. The process involves fat removal from one of the body parts for injection into the face. While both types have their advantages, you should go for dermal filler injections after consulting your skin expert.

About Violet

Violet Rae Murphy: Violet, a biotech analyst, covers advances in health technology, biotech innovations, and the future of personalized medicine.
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