Addicted to Alcohol? Alcohol Recovery Podcast May Help!

When going to a party, it often becomes impossible for people not to reach out for a shot or two of whiskey! We know that boozing may seem like the life of the party, but it comes with loads of disadvantages if consumed incessantly. Then it turns into an addiction which is extremely hard to get rid off of. Such is the impact of alcohol. Regular and uncontrolled drinking of alcohol makes your body and mind dependent on it, and then it takes the shape of alcoholism. Then slowly, it starts taking over your healthy organs and starts damaging them. A damage that cannot be reversed. The negatives of drinking alcohol are not limited to this only. Alcohol makes people lose their mental as well as financial control, and they get drowned in a feeling of regret.

Let us have a look at some of the disadvantages of alcohol.

  • Harmful for the Liver: Our liver acts as a filter for all the harmful substances that go inside our body. The biggest harm which alcohol does to your body is, it puts you at the risk of developing Cirrhosis, Jaundice, liver failure and even liver cancer. This is because our liver processes as much as 90% of the alcohol that we drink. This eventually leads to harming other parts of our body, such as heart and mutation of cells, etc.
  • Severe Psychosis: People who are addicted to alcohol go through extreme hallucination problems and develop persecution. This happens when someone suddenly stops alcohol intake. This condition is called as Psychosis and such a mental state is known as “Delirium Tremens”.
  • Makes You Anemic: One of the less known alcohol disadvantages is, drinking it in large quantities reduces the amount of Red Blood Cells that are responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood. This results in the person to suffer from some serious health issues such as breathlessness, feeling of fatigue all the time and lightheadedness.
  • Develops Cardiovascular Diseases: According to the studies and scientific researches, it is evident that consuming too much alcohol can lead to losing awareness rapidly, which can lead to death.

There are various other drawbacks of alcohol consumption, including loss of nutrients, development of cancer, side-effects on pregnancy, skin allergies, disorientation in the muscular system, etc.

People who wish to opt-out of this life-risking habit is listening to alcohol recovery podcasts which will fill them with the motivation they need, and it is also better than getting admitted to a rehab.

About Violet

Violet Rae Murphy: Violet, a biotech analyst, covers advances in health technology, biotech innovations, and the future of personalized medicine.
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